Genius Brain Power Brainwave Entrainment

Attention Thinkers: Did you know that people all over the world are using a revolutionary brain training technology breakthrough to spark phenomenal intelligence, creativity, happiness and genius-level activity in their own brains? One "rogue genius" reveals how you can be one of a select group of people who...

"Gain Exclusive Access to My 31 'Top-Secret' Tools to Easily Tap Into Your Brain's Latent Genius, Reduce Your Stress Levels and Increase Your Productivity..."

Discover How to Quickly & Easily Train Your Brain for Clarity and Power With any MP3 Player so You Can Sky-Rocket Your IQ, Melt Away Stress, Boost Your Creativity, Your Energy, Your Focus and Have More Peace of Mind with Genius Brain Power...

Dear Friend,

I'm sure you already know that the human brain is the most complex and powerful computing machine in the world.  But are we really using all that computing power?

What about you?  If you are like most people…

  • You feel like you’re walking around in a fog at least part of your day...
  • You tend to sit at your computer and jump around from your email to your browser... Never really getting anything done...
  • You find it hard to focus on a single task for very long...

Am I close?

It’s OK, it’s not your fault. Our stressful, fast paced, world has trained your brain to be unfocused and foggy. 

I used to be just the same, barely getting anything meaningful done despite all the apparent “work” that I was doing every day. 

That began to change in 2003, when I discovered a short-cut to rapidly unlock the brain’s amazing potential without having to meditate all day long.

There’s a good chance that what I’m about to reveal to you may challenge what you have heard from “experts” in the field of human development. 

There’s a good chance that I may even get some backlash because of what I am going to share with you…but so be it.  In the end…

Once You Learn How to Really Use Your Brain,
You Can Accomplish Anything

Even if you are the world's biggest skeptic, you can't really argue with that statement.  

Imagine what it would be like to possess within your brain every skill that you now wish you had …Every single one of them! 

What kind of life could you make for yourself?

A pretty great life, right?

Well, I am going to show you exactly how you can “upgrade your brain” so that you can easily absorb any information, skill or talent, and improve every skill that you already have. 

Once you know how to use your brain for peak efficiency, you can learn just have to let the knowledge get soaked up by your marvelous brain.

Wouldn't it be amazing if you absolutely knew that you could learn anything easily and quickly? Imagine the things you could accomplish with all of that knowledge integrated into your mind.

That is called Super Learning, and it’s really just the start of the fantastic brain improvements you can experience with Genius Brain Power.

Before I get into all the profound benefits you will receive from Genius Brain Power, you need to understand…

How to Wake Up the Dormant Parts of Your Brain
So You Can Experience Amazing Levels of Genius

The traditional methods of upgrading your brain for super-human levels of genius involve hours of daily meditation and other disciplines designed to force the brain to adapt to extreme circumstances. 

While that approach does eventually work, wouldn’t you rather skip all of that suffering and get straight to the rewards?

Yea…me too...

Fortunately, science and modern technology have developed a way to impart the peak brain states experienced by seasoned meditators, Buddhist monks, Yogis and top level athletes to anyone smart enough to use an MP3 player…

The technology is called Brainwave Entrainment, and it literally flips the “on switch” in the other 90% of your brain that has been sleeping.

Are you wondering how this can possibly work?  Here is a brief explanation…

Brainwave Entrainment guides the brain into a specific frequency using computer generated rhythmic pulses of sound.

Brainwave entrainment makes meditation easy

By exposing the brain to special computer generated tones that are pulsed at a specific frequency, the brain will synchronize its own electrical impulses to that same frequency. 

This means the brain becomes “entrained” to (matched to) the specific frequency of the pulses, which gives you the ability to choose the primary frequency you want to experience in your brain.

By guiding your brain into higher (faster) frequency brainwave patterns, you can experience the kind of “whole brain functioning” that was once only available to natural born geniuses.

By guiding the brain into deeper (slower) frequency brainwave patterns, you can induce a profoundly deep state of relaxation and meditation with almost no effort.

This means YOU can begin to effortlessly experience the benefits of years of meditation in just a few weeks, simply by using Genius Brain Power’s “top-secret” brain upgrade methods.

You probably want to know more of the reasons why Genius Brain Power is so incredibly effective.  We are about to get a little technical, but you are going to want to read carefully to find out exactly…

Why Genius Brain Power Is Your
Ultimate Self Mastery Tool Kit

The highly advanced entrainment technology used in the Genius Brain Power system is far more effective than offerings in much higher priced products, mainly because other companies use a very old type of Brainwave Entrainment that was discovered 150 years ago, called binaural beats.

Brain Wave Entrainment Increases Intelligence

Those less effective binaural beats send differently pitched frequencies into each ear to get your brain to “do math” and entrain to the difference between the two pitches.  Binaural beats were a great discovery, but many people don’t respond very well to this method of entrainment. 

That’s why I use a far superior, much more modern brainwave entrainment technology in Genius Brain Power.

Utilizing computer generated, rhythmically pulsed beats (known as Isochronic beats), Genius Brain Power easily guides your brain into optimal frequencies for rocketing your IQ, deep relaxation, peak mental efficiency and much more...

The biggest of many advantages Genius Brain Power (GBP) has over binaural beats is that the brain doesn’t adapt to GBP’s rhythmic tones over time and ignore them, like it does with binaurals. This means GBP will continue to give you results for years, so you can keep improving your brain without having to buy more products.

Rhythmic frequencies are the basis of how the brain operates, so your brain is guaranteed to respond to Genius Brain Power’s pulsed brainwave rhythms. 

With these audible, computer generated pulsed tones, the brain is safely, gently and effectively guided to entrain to your most optimal brainwave frequencies.  These tones need to be audible, so you will hear them along with the music in the Genius Brain Power package.

Brainwave entrainment lights up your brain
The main thing you should remember here is that rhythm is one of the most basic functions in the human brain, so everyone's brain responds to rhythm, including yours.

The brain’s natural response to "follow" or "entrain" to certain types of rhythms, coupled with my years of experience creating brainwave entrainment audio tracks has led to this breakthrough technology that I could only call “Genius Brain Power” because no other description really comes close.

Before I spill the beans on all of my brain power secrets, I want to share a personal story with you…

How I Developed (Some) Genius the Hard Way...
Through a Lifetime of Spiritual Disciplines

My name is Cameron Day and the major focus of my life has been on developing mental, emotional and spiritual mastery (with a minor in technology ;-).  I have been meditating since I was 4 years old thanks to my parents who taught me a unique Buddhist “mantra” style meditation, which I was very fortunate to learn as a child.

That's me as a young child,
practicing meditation

It’s a good thing I started young, because it took me a lifetime of meditation, Yoga, spiritual studies, focused personal evolution and learning technological skills to be able to create the incredibly transformational Genius Brain Power MP3 audio recordings for you.

So how did I get here, and how can I help you?

Throughout my life I have always excelled in mental and spiritual disciplines, but I knew I had so much more potential that wasn’t being tapped…

In my teenage years I explored "silent meditation" techniques that involve stilling the mind in order to expand my awareness. In my early 20s, I studied Kundalini Yoga which helped me transcend mind chatter and experience ultra deep, rapturous meditative states.

I went on to study other mental, emotional and spiritual disciplines, eventually honing my abilities to a point where I was able to help others raise their own consciousness.

I eventually “went public” with a self-help website and shared my most potent techniques for freeing the mind from limitations. 

I have logged hundreds of hours counseling people to help them master those techniques and release limiting beliefs and thought patterns so they can live happier, more fulfilled lives. 

Helping people is a great source of joy for me, and I wanted a way to speed up the process of liberation through mental and emotional evolution for my clients. 

In order to find a solution, I began a period of intense research into what science calls “neuro-plasticity” which is a scientific term for the brain’s ability to re-wire itself given proper stimulus.

My research led me to brainwave entrainment in 2003.  I bought a $150 introductory level of a “Binaural beat” package, which was the only entrainment method available at that time. 

It worked OK for a while, but results from the old-fashioned "binaural beats" quickly diminished, which is why that program has 12+ levels to keep people progressing and buying new products... 

I knew Brainwave Entrainment had amazing potential, but instead of following someone else’s pre-determined, over-priced program, I decided to keep doing research to find a better brainwave entrainment option for my clients.

In my years of research and experimentation with binaural beat technology, I discovered that the reason binaural beats lose their effectiveness over time is because the brain gets used to processing the two different frequencies coming to it, and eventually just handles them each separately without “doing the math” to entrain to the desired frequency. 

The “solution” that proponents of binaural beats used was to keep lowering the "carrier frequencies" of the binaural tones to give the brain new stimulus.  That wasn’t good enough for me because I wanted something that would always work and that my brain could never ignore.

Through intensive testing of pulsed tones for brainwave entrainment, I knew I had finally found the solution!


Brain Wave Entrainment Increases Intelligence

Because the brain doesn’t adapt to these rhythmic tones and ignore them like it does with binaural beats. Rhythm is embedded so deeply into the human brain's basic operation that it always responds to properly applied rhythmic frequencies. 

In fact, all of my research, testing and feedback from customers has shown that the brain responds better to the rhythmic brainwave entrainment pulses in Genius Brain Power the more often they are used!

Using this breakthrough technology, I created a comprehensive audio package for my clients and subscribers on my self-help mailing list.  The package was a huge success, with nearly 100% positive feedback from every user. 

So how can all of this really benefit YOU? 

Read on and…

Upgrade Your Brain with Brainwave Entrainment

Here is a glimpse of some of the “brain upgrades” you can easily achieve if you implement my secret methods for turning on genius-level activity in your brain with Genius Brain Power:

Dramatically Increase Your Brain's Processing Power so you can put an end to the feeling of "brain fog" forever...
Easily Release Stress, Worries & Anxiety so you can accomplish your goals without feeling overwhelmed…
Increase Your Energy Level at Will so you won’t have to depend on caffeine to get you through your day…
Quickly Learn New Information and Skills so you can get whatever you want out of life with your ever-expanding pool of talents…
Instantly Switch On “Exercise Master Mode” In Your Brain so you can have incredible workouts every single time…
Experience Deeper, More Restful Sleep so you can wake up feeling great and ready to do anything you want…
Effortlessly Attain Incredibly Deep States of Relaxation and Meditation so you can experience true inner peace in your every day life…

Don't just take my word for it, though. Read for yourself how happy customers have been with Genius Brain Power in this sampling of some glowing testimonials that I have received...

"I discovered the joy of living in the Now"

"You name it, I've tried it. What is the difference between this entrainment program and others? It works -- effortlessly.

Other programs promise positive outcome, but those are fleeting. I simply couldn't get results to "stick." I used to live a pressure cooker existence complete with nervous overload, nightmares and fearful morning awakenings.

With these brainwave entrainment meditations I have enjoyed wonderful, restorative sleep at night. I discovered the joy of living in the Now and I have flashes of insight that are helping me to understand life.

I have now moved into a whole new way of calmly loving life and it seems as if I have found endlessly more time. It takes faith and trust to try something different, but your quality of life is worth it! Thank you so much, Cameron!"

Ann, BC, Canada

"I am free now of all the biggest fears
and dramas in my life"

"Thank you so much for all the good things your work has brought to my life. I am using your Brainwave entrainment package every day. I have achieved AMAZING meditative states that I would have never achieved without years of practice.

I feel so connected to the universe and creation, and my vibrations have jumped sky high! I am free now of all the biggest fears and dramas in my life, and my consciousness expands and expands every day!

Again thank you very much for everything you are doing for humanity, I will be eternally thankful for the day I ran into your website."

- Carlo C., France

"Easily did what I worked so hard at
trying to achieve"

"I have been rigorously working with meditation, frequency waves, and prayer for some time.

When I used your brainwave entrainment, it easily did what I worked so hard at trying to achieve: Clearer thoughts, calmness, relaxation, deep sleep, healing and more. Thanks!"
- Mario A

"I have used many other entrainment programs..."

"I just had to let you know what your Brainwave Entrainment has done for me. I have used many other entrainment programs but I have never received so much and so quickly as I have from yours.

I love starting my day with IQ Increase. It has helped me be able to focus in even the most chaotic situations. Instead of reacting and regretting, now I am aware of how I want to react or not.

All the tracks are great, but Delta Ultra Deep Meditation is my all time favorite. Thank you for helping me raise my awareness."
Bill S, Rochester, NY

"I will use this in my practice as a hypnotherapist"

"Thank you Cameron for your Brainwave Entrainment package. I have used others such as Hemisync and Centerpointe before.  I have enjoyed greater concentration and sense of peace after listening to your recordings.

I will use them in my practice as a hypnotherapist because the brain wave technology greatly assists my clients in achieving greater clarity and self improvement."

Thank you again,
Robin Meza,
Certified Hypnotherapist

"It Has Made Such an Incredible Impact..."

"Thank you for offering the new Brainwave Entrainment package! I have utilized binaural beats in the past, through other offerings and institutions, and really loved them.

I felt compelled to write and tell you that your entrainment audios were such an awesome addition to my library.

The selected background music is perfect, and I have found that the daily IQ is the perfect touch to my morning routine. Before I used to put on music to work through the morning, but now I use the daily IQ Increase and it has made such an incredible impact and has really helped me focus.

I have been using the daily IQ Increase for the last month and it is awesome."

Many thanks ,
Renee, Sacramento, CA

"The Deeper Meditation Tracks Need to be Experienced Personally..."

"All of the tracks do their job very well. I find that after the Beta Relaxed Focus meditation finishes, my brain is calmly alive and awaiting instruction. I used the Beta track immediately before taking an Advanced Driving examination - I passed with merit.

The deeper meditation tracks need to be experienced personally. They lead me through an array of sounds that sharpen concentration levels. I combine this focused depth together with a watch of my breathing and some inner chanting at appropriate places. As the tracks progress they lead me through an experience of joy and celebration, then changing with the sound track to a deep calmness.

When each of the tracks finish, I am vividly aware of the existence my brain and its place in the Universe at that moment. It takes a few minutes and some effort to break off the meditation and return to my daily routine life after the tracks finish."

Kind Regards,
Rod Leeming

"I have been experiencing consistently amazing thoughts and feelings..."

"The days I've listened to the IQ and the Theta frequency tracks have been frankly amazing.

I have been experiencing consistently amazing thoughts and feelings since using the entrainment tracks. So far, there have been 5 days that I've listened to these while working & reading on my computer.

After the 3rd time I happened to have a "mental breakthrough" following my listening to said tracks, I have decided to make your brainwave entrainment tracks a daily discipline. Today is the 5th day and no exception of the profundity I'm experiencing in my thoughts!"

Michael G, Washington State

"I Am Very Focused and Time Can Fly By Without Distractions..."

"For over a month now I have been using your Brainwave Entrainment. While I'm working at my computer I've noticed I am very focused and time can fly by without distractions while I am totally task-oriented. I do feel more focused and at ease.

At night I usually listen to the deep delta selection and it calms my thoughts and prepares me for sleep.

I love having these tools; the sounds are soothing and very effective. Thank you for offering them!"

Deborah DeNicola, Florida

The "Light" Package: Essential Frequencies

The "Light" Genius Brain Power Brainwave Entrainment MP3 package has the essential frequencies you need to Sky Rocket Your IQ and experience Ultra-Deep Relaxation. You will receive SIX total brainwave entrainment audio recordings in the "Light" package.

Your "Light" Genius Brain Power package starts with two energizing recordings that give your brain a stimulating "work out" to increase your mental processing speed and promote new dendrite and synapse growth.

You can listen to both of these IQ boosting and focus enhancing recordings with your eyes open while you are working, running errands, commuting to and from work, etc.  These tracks are mixed with gorgeous classical music from Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Mozart and more:

  • 42 minute IQ increase
  • 60 minute Laser Focus & Creative Ambition

I like to start every day with IQ increase after eating breakfast, then use Laser Focus & Creative Ambition while I work. I find along with making me smarter, it helps me get more work done in less time while feeling energized yet relaxed the whole time.

The Deep Relaxation / Meditation recordings in Genius Brain Power are mixed with relaxing, energy expanding didgeridoo music that has its own mild brainwave entrainment effects independent of the pulsed brainwave entrainment tones.

We start with Light Meditation in the Alpha frequency with a follow up Deep Meditation in Theta frequency:

  • 30 minute Alpha Light Meditation

  • 30 minute Theta Deep Meditation

When you first start meditating with Genius Brain Power, begin with Alpha Light Meditation. If you want to extend your Alpha meditation session, Theta Deep Meditation picks up at the frequency point where the Alpha track leaves off, giving you a wonderful 60 minute meditation experience.

Once you are comfortable meditating in Alpha and Theta, you are ready for the deepest level of brainwave entrainment meditation possible: Delta.  Your entry to Delta in the "Light" Genius Brain Power package is via two tracks that are designed to be used together:  

  • 30 minute Advanced Theta Deep Meditation

  • 30 minute Advanced Delta Deep Meditation

Most of the companies offering less effective brainwave entrainment products only give their customers one Theta, one Delta and an Alpha track.  Then they charge $200-$300 per “level” for 12 or so levels.  Genius Brain Power is here to transcend that paradigm of over-priced, mildly effective entrainment products by offering you far more effectiveness for a fraction of the price others charge.

Click Here To Get Instant Access
To These Amazing Audios

Technology So Powerful I GUARANTEE
You Will See Results

I am so confident in the Genius Brain Power package that I back it with a 100% unconditional SIX MONTH money back guarantee.  If you are not satisfied with the package for any reason at all, just ask for a refund. 

I can make such a bold guarantee because I have seen that every single person who uses the Genius Brain Power system experiences a wide variety of amazing results, unique to each individual's needs.

So don't wait a minute longer. Order right now and begin experiencing the amazing benefits of this incredibly powerful brainwave entrainment package.

Yes, Cameron! I Want To Unlock My Brain's Full Potential With These Fantastic Entrainment Audios

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I want to take advantage of the amazing power of brainwave entrainment. I want more motivation, energy, focus, creativity and much more all from simply listening to your powerful audio recordings.

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I know that I don't have to wait days to receive my audios via snail mail but I can download all the audios instantly to listen to them on any PC, mac, mp3 player or iPod.

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I realize that the price is going to go up soon, so I am acting FAST and locking in the special price of just $47!

Brain Wave Entrainment Check

I understand that I have a full 180 day money-back guarantee to exploit these audios to their full potential. And, if I'm not satisfied in any way, I'll receive a full and courteous refund of my purchase price.

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Here's to YOUR genius brain,

Cameron Day
Genius Brain

P.S. WARNING: Now It's Decision Time - So Think About The Cost Of Not Acting Now.

If you're serious about upgrading your brain so you can have the best life possible, then you owe it to yourself to try these phenomenal entrainment audios.

The fact is, most people will never learn what it REALLY feels like to have their brains operating at a high capacity. They'll haphazardly try a few things, wonder why nothing is working, then go back to their mundane existence.

But YOU can be different! There is no easier and faster way to empower your brain so that you can come alive with more energy, learn quicker, think more creatively, focus on your work like never before and also eliminate stress with amazingly deep states of relaxation and meditation.

P.P.S. Remember, your investment in Genius Brain Power is completely risk free, because you have a full 180 days to experience the tremendous power of the best brainwave entrainment package on the planet. If you are unsatisfied in anyway, I'll give you your money back.

P.P.P.S. Remember, the low price of $47 won't last long. After that the price goes up forever, so don't miss out. "Lock in" this introductory price right now while you can...

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