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Gain Access to Your Free 20 Minute Sample MP3

NOTE: This is an extremely LIMITED time offer... I am likely to remove this page and the free sample offer VERY soon, so be sure to take advantage of this great freebie while it is still available.

Your Free Sample Is Just a Taste Of Things To Come

This 20 minute free sample will "initiate" your brain into the world of brainwave entrainment. Consider it a "warm up" for your brain to begin getting used to "working out" with Genius Brain Power.

You will enjoy maximum benefit from this sample by getting into a relaxing position in a quiet, dark room and allowing your mind to just focus on the rhythmic tones, your breath or the background music. Just breath deep and let the entrainment do the work.

The sample gradually moves your brain into the middle to lower "Alpha" brainwave frequency level. This frequency corresponds to being very relaxed, yet awake. If you do your part and let your mind relax, you will feel more calm after the session. Don't think about what you're going to be doing later, just let your mind take a break from the daily cyclone of constant thought.

Alpha is just the beginning, though! The deeper Theta & Delta tracks in the full Genius Brain Power package will take you into much deeper states of relaxation and meditation.

On the other end of the brainwave spectrum, the IQ Increase and Relaxed focus tracks will bring your brain into a state of extreme focus, alertness, creativity and problem solving clarity.

This technology guides the brain into a specific brainwave frequency using special rhythmic pulses of sound. By guiding the brain into deep frequency brainwave patterns and keeping it there, you can induce profound brain states of deep relaxation and heightened processing power with very little effort.

By exposing the brain to special computer generated tones that are pulsed at a specific frequency, the brain will synchronize its electrical impulses to that same frequency.  This means the brain becomes “entrained” to (matched to) the specific frequency of the pulses, which gives us the ability to choose the primary frequency we want to experience in our brain.

This means YOU can effortlessly achieve peak brain states simply by relaxing and listening to Genius Brain Power.

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of The Amazing Genius Brain Power Audios

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